蒙彼利埃 (Montpellier)位于法國南部地中海沿岸,是法國第八大城市,有“陽光之城”的美譽,也是法國南部重要的工商業中心,其所屬地區也是法國著名的紅酒產區。
蒙彼利埃大學成立于1289年,作為法國第一個非宗教、國際性的大學享譽全球。八百年來,眾多知識分子和科學家,從文 藝復興作家拉伯雷和物理學家居里到法國新聞之父勒諾多、化學家夏普塔爾和數學家格羅滕迪克,已經使這所大學與所在城市生活息息相關,并參與到時代變遷的巨大挑戰中。 我國著名數學家,中國近代數學的先驅熊慶來,中國近代知名生物學家周太玄、中國著名心理學家左任俠等也曾在此求學。
University of Montpellier revives the universal ambition of the first university created in France in 1289 as a secular and international establishment. Over a period of eight centuries, intellectuals and scientists, from Rabelais and Curie, to Renaudot, Chaptal and Grothendieck, have shaped a university closely tied with the city’s life and involved in the great challenges of its times. Chinese famous Mathematician, pioneer of chinese Modern Mathematics Xiong Qinglai, Chinses biologist Zhou Taixuan, Chinese famous Psychologist Zuo Renxia also studied in the university.
They also make a very close relationship with many local national and International research institutions. University of Montpellier keeps abreast of University of Cambridge, Oxford University, and Goettingen University, all of whom are members of the European Union's top university of Coimbra group.
University of Montpellier brings together a vast community of knowledge, from science, techniques and medicine to environmental and educational science, as well as management, business administration, economics, law and political sciences.
University of Montpellier encompasses 16 Faculties or Institutes among which Institute of Montpellier Management (MOMA). It offers students an opportunity to train in multiple areas in order to meet the needs of tomorrow’s demanding careers, combining robotics, engineering and health, or economics, law, information technologies and business administration.
Application Materials
Application Qualifications
1.Experienced managers; middle-level and senior-level management staff 2.College education, more than five years of management experience; Undergraduate education, more than three years of management experience
3.Good communication skills
1.Admission application form
2.Letter of motivation (One copy in Engish
3.2 copies of ID card
4.2 copies of academic certificates (the original needs to be reviewed)
5.English and Chinese CVs (2 copies each)
6.5 two-inch blue bottom pictures
7.Four business cards
Course Structure
There are 12 compulsory courses in total, including 7 courses instructed by French professor, the other 5 courses instructed by top Chinese teachers from business school. In addition, thesis workshop will be arranged for students during thesis period. The hours for each course are between 20 to 30 hours, and course are mainly arranged at the weekend.
授課形式Teaching Form
The standard educational system is one and a half years (on-the-job learning). During the study of EMBA, students will learn advanced management theories and course practices. Meanwhile, students need to finish the group report and periodical exam. After taking courses for around 8 months, it’s time to start thesis guidance phase. During this period, students need to participate in thesis workshop, finish and deliver their papers.
Curriculum System
Students will combine the management theory which they have learned and use advanced information processing technology and scientific methodology to deeply research the practical issue which they face in their management and thus to start their thesis.
Academic dissertation can be written either English or Chinese, but should deliver English version. Thesis topic should focus on solving the problem of strategy and complexity in their enterprise practice and should emphasize the application value of the topic. During the research, students work closely with his tutor, and regularly report progress. Students will have to submit their paper to the university of Montpellier for academic evaluation. After passing the evaluation, students will be issued EMBA master's degree by the university of Montpellier.
授課形式Teaching Form
學員修完所有學分,通過論文評審及答辯后,均可獲得法國蒙彼利埃大學頒發的高級工商管理碩士EMBA學位 (法國國家認可學歷,中國教育部涉外監管網認可院校)。
Students who have taken all the required credits and passed the thesis evaluation and defense can obtain the “Executive Master in Business Administration” degree issued by University of Montpellier (the EMBA degree certificate is recognized by France, and the University of Montpellier is on the list of institutions approved by Chinese Ministry of Education).
After graduation, EMBA students who have studied in France can apply for a job in the country or further study in Europe or America.
免費電話:400-600-2935 北京電話:010-51290949 上海電話:021-51619982
聯系人:歐陽老師 手機:15010038597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046