課程類別 | 課程名稱 |
基礎課模塊 Foundation course module | 始業教育 Overview and Introduction |
社會主義經濟理論與實踐Socialism Economics Theory and Practice | |
商務英語與溝通 Business English and Communication | |
商業思維與經營管理 專業模塊 Business Thinking and Business Management Professional Modul | 管理經濟學 Managerial Economics |
高級戰略管理 Advanced Strategic Management | |
組織行為學 Organizational Behaviour | |
高級財務管理理論與實務Advanced Financial Management Theory and Practicw | |
公司財務報表分析 Analysis of Financial Statements | |
高級營銷管理Advanced Marketing Management | |
國際視角的營銷調研 International Perspective of Marketing Research | |
消費者行為Consumer Behavior | |
戰略人力資源開發與管理 Strategic Human Resource Development & Management | |
領導學 Leadership Science | |
商業思維與經營管理 專業模塊 Business Thinking and Business Management Professional Module | 風險與危機管理 Risk and Crisis Management |
管理溝通與商務談判 Management Communication & Business Negotiation | |
商法原理與實務 Principles and Practices of Commercial Law | |
國際金融International Finance | |
資本運作Capital Management | |
證券投資Investment | |
宏觀經濟景氣分析與預測 Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecast of the Economy | |
管理信息系統Management Information System | |
運營管理Operations Management | |
項目管理 Project Management | |
供應鏈管理 Supply Chain Management | |
經理人商務統計與軟件使用 Manager commerce statistics and use software | |
管理哲學(從哲學談經營) Management Philosophy | |
企業家的人文素質 Entrepreneurs' Humanistic Quality | |
企業家精神與創業 Entrepreneurship and Venture | |
中國古代管理思想與藝術 The Thought and Art of Ancient Chinese Management | |
關系社會與企業管理 Sociology and Business Management | |
特色定制模塊 Customized Feature Module | 商業模式創新與案例研討 Business Model Innovation and Case-study |
名家講壇 Celebrity Forum | |
移動課堂 Mobile Classroom | |
海外訪學 Overseas Visit Study | |
整合模塊 Integration Module | 學位論文 Thesis |