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EMBA招生網    m.watkissart.com    發布時間:2016年01月15日    來源:

  中歐管理學教授Lorna Doucet博士首先做了題為“情商與領導力”的演講,讓在場同學親身體會中歐課堂的特點。在中歐,授課一向注重學生的參與和互動,并配以大量案例分析和小組討論,使學生最大程度融入并吸收知識。隨后招生辦老師介紹了中歐概況及招生政策等,并分別邀請來自北京和大連的校友,現任職羅蘭貝格的咨詢顧問張可和通用電氣的HR經理趙潔華與大家分享了自己的職業規劃以及中歐對自己職業發展的作用等。問答階段將整個活動帶到高點,前來咨詢的同學很多都對中歐已有相當的了解,提出的問題也很具體而有針對性,這也突顯出北京和大連的申請人對就讀MBA的考慮準備之充分。提問中同學們很關注的一個問題是在中歐和其它世界頂尖商學院之間的選擇問題,這也反應出隨著中歐近年來國際聲望和全球排名的不斷上升,中歐已經躋身全球最優秀商學院行列,得到越來越多優秀學生的關注和青睞。


Professor Lorna Doucet

 2009年是中歐建校15周年,而中歐在《金融時報》最近發布的全球MBA排名榜上高居第八位的排名和EQUIS及AACSB的雙重認證是對學校15周年校慶的最好賀禮。隨著中歐在中國及全球各地的影響和知名度擴大,中歐在全球的招生也呈現數量和質量均穩步提高的態勢。MBA 2009 年的招生工作已結束第一輪,申請人不僅在數量上實現了近40%的增長,在質量上更是較去年有進一步增強。如您想了解更多申請信息,請撥打021-2890 5555,或登陸網站http://www.ceibs.edu/MBA/index.shtml

Professor Lorna Doucet is answering questions from prospective students

CEIBS Info Session A Hit in Beijing and Dalian
  February,14 -15, 2009, 250 people in Beijing and 60 people in Dalian attended the CEIBS information session held in these two cities. In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, all the prepared information brochures are handed out to the potential applicants.





CEIBS professor of Management, Dr. Lorna Doucet, first delivered a lecture on “Emotionally Intelligent Leadership” to demonstrate the attendees the characteristics of CEIBS’ class. In daily teaching of CEIBS, professors always pay great attention to students’ participation and interaction, with large amount of case analysis and group discussion, to maximum students’ absorbing and understanding the knowledge. The info session was followed by the basic introduction of CEIBS and admission policies for prospective enrollees from the faculties of the MBA Admission Office. The alumni from Beijing and Dalian, Zhangke, the consultant of Rolandberger, and Zhao jiehua, HR manager of GE, shared with the attendees their career plans and the effects on that by receiving education from CEIBS. The info session was heated by the Q&A process. Many inquisitors had already got certain basic knowledge of CEIBS and asked very concrete and customized questions. It is featured the considerable preparation of applicants from Beijing and Dalian. One of the concerns brought forward during the Q&A session is the choice between CEIBS and other top business schools. It shows, with the continuous rising international reputation and global ranking, CEIBS has already become one of the most outstanding business schools in the world and received more and more attention and favors from excellent potential applicants.

  2009 is the 15th anniversary of CEIBS. The #8 rank worldwide by Financial Times Annual Global MBA Ranking and both certifications of EQUIS and AACSB are the best gifts for school’s anniversary. With the expanding influence and popularity of CEIBS in China and the world, both the quality and the numbers of potential candidates are increasing steadily. Up to theready-closed first round of enrollment, the number of applicants has increased almost 40% and the qualification of applicants has even more enhanced based on the last year. For more information, please contact 021-28905555, or log on at our website:


Alumni shares experience with students 




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